Tuesday, July 19, 2011

SIDI with a 1, 2, 3 Finish Paul Whibley Race Report - John Penton GNCC, Ohio

SIDI with a 1, 2, 3 Finish Paul Whibley Race Report - John Penton GNCC, Ohio

1st: Paul Whibley (SIDI)
2nd: Kailub Russell (SIDI)
3rd: Josh Strang (SIDI)

Race Report: John Penton GNCC, Ohio
Rider: Paul Whibley
Team: AmPro Yamaha
Bike: Yamaha YZ450 F
Result: 1st

We were greeted with near perfect conditions at the Penton GNCC. A bonus at this event as in
the past it’s been either a dust bowl or a mud fest.

The Vortex Ignition and Works Connection hole shot device helped me pull a sweet start and I
led the first lap and set a comfortable pace as I learned the track. After scoring, Kailub Russell
passed me on the MX track and set off, trying to make a break for it. 
On the second lap we ran through the Penton section for the first time. This was a 3 or 4 mile section of tight second gear trail that was fresh for our race. Just before we emerged from this section and back onto what had been used by the morning race, Kailub ran wide on a rocky turn allowing me to
retake the lead. I handed Kailub the lead back when I missed the turn for a line through a mud
hole. This was how the race would unfold for us both as we swapped positions throughout the
entire race.

I held the lead going into the last lap and wanted to open a gap before we got back to the MX
track as I felt Kailub was going a little faster than me on that section. Last time through the
Penton section and a bunch of riders were stuck on a hill, blocking the track. I tried to get
around them but got hung up in some rocks and roots. 
Kailub got stuck right beside me. The guys who were blocking the track gave us a hand to get our bikes up and past them. Kailub got his up first and was gone. I pushed hard and caught back up to him and retook the lead. I kept the heat on only to have Kailub catch and pass me again only a couple miles from the finish. I charged as hard as I could and was right on his tail as we came out onto the MX track. I closed in on the last couple of corners and managed to double past him and hold the inside line leading into the finishing chicane to take the win.
Congrats to Kailub for his great effort. I think his maiden win is coming very soon.
*Click Image for Larger View*
Thanks to Shan Moore for the pic

*Click Image for Larger View*

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