Friday, August 12, 2011


Tony Cairoli would like nothing better than to win all the time and put on a show for his fans, but this time the champion from Sidi ran an intelligent race and didn’t take any risks as he focused specifically on the championship rankings. Great champions are also made of this.

CAIROLI - *Click Image for Larger View*
On Sunday, August 7th, on the Loket circuit in the Czech Republic Grand Prix, Cairoli won race1 and then settled for second place in the final race for the Grand Prix win over his direct rival,
Clement Desalle. Little does it matter, because now, with just three races to wrap up the World Title, Cairoli leads the MX1 motocross standings with no less than a 48-point advantage over Belgium’s Desalle.

GONCALVES - *Click Image for Larger View*
Sidi completed a day of celebration with Portuguese Rui Goncalves, third both in race1 and race2, which carried him to third place on the final podium for the Grand Prix; there was also Estonia’s Tanel Leok, who came in second in race2.

Cairoli just keeps adding record numbers to his portfolio, which already boasts four championship titles: two in MX2 (2005 and 2007) and two in MX1 (2009-2010). He’s already obtained 10 podiums in this season alone (4 victories, 5 second places and 1 third place). He’s won a total of 87 heats and 41 Grand Prix races in his career (24 in MX2 and 17 in MX1), which makes Cairoli the fourth most victorious rider of all time, a category led by another ace from the Sidi stables, motocross legend Stefan Everts.

CAIROLI  - *Click Image for Larger View*

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